Thursday 22 March 2012

Cloud Foundry / Iron Foundry app & service limits

[Note this is correct for version 1.2 of the MCF/MIF]
If you're running Cloud Foundry (or Iron Foundry) locally (ie the "Micro" or MCF VMs), and you get this error when provisioning a service or application :

Error 504: Too many Services provisioned: 4, you're allowed: 4


Error 601: Too many applications: 4, you're allowed: 4

Then you need to alter the config on your MCF instance.
This can be done by editing /var/vcap/jobs/cloud_controller/config/cloud_controller.yml

and altering the default values displayed below :

memory: 1024
app_uris: 32
services: 4
apps: 4
memory: 512
app_uris: 8
services: 4
apps: 4

1 comment:

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